About us


[Rozmiar: 3333 bajtów]    

The Founder and chief consultant is Robert Hanisz, an experienced manager with more than twenty years long record of successful managerial career in different companies.
His background is Telecommunication Engineer and MSc Graduate (1981) of Academy of Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland.
Graduated MBA from University of Illinois in 2005
In his long career Robert had attended a number of different training courses in Poland and abroad. He is a certified internal auditor of the ISO 9001:2000 standard.

Robert started his career in 1981 as a shop worker in 'Telkom-Telfa' - electronic devices factory, to be promoted to production supervisor and then to production department manager.

In years 1990 to 1993 he was a head of food industry company 'Kosciuszko-Polsfrost'.

From 1994 he worked as a CEO for 'PWT Augustow'- cigarette manufacturing company. Under his control the company was successfully reengineered and than merged with British American Tobacco Poland.

From 1996 Robert played a role of Operations Director of cigarettes factory in Augustow responsible for the strategic development of the site worth of 65 million USD.

In years 1999 - 2001 he took a part of development project of cigarette factory in Southampton, UK. Among other tasks he took a leading role in two projects: implementation of ManEx (Manufacturing Excellence) based on a Lean Manufacturing management and then implementation and accreditation of ISO 9001:2000 standard.

From 2002 Robert worked for LM Glasfiber - a Danish manufacturer of rotor blades for wind turbines. He worked on sites in Denmark and the USA being responsible for production managing. Meanwhile he attended Executive MBA course at University of Illinois.

In 2006 he started an independent consulting career sharing his experience and knowledge with companies and entrepreneurs in order to help them to develop their businesses and get a better competitive level by higher effectiveness and quality standards leading to lower costs and higher customer satisfaction.